Ibar Special Needs Trust Advisors
Specialized support services for the special needs community. Ibar assists with the establishment of an SNT as part of your:
We provide advisory services for special needs trusts (SNT) incorporated as part of a personal injury litigation and estate planning for families with a loved one who has special needs. We have over 30 years of experience helping individuals and families with their special needs trusts and estate planning services. Our trust advisors work closely with you to protect your loved one’s public benefits to ensure they maintain the best quality of life possible. We are a family owned and operated special needs advisory firm based in California with a team of experienced SNT advisors to guide you through the process of incorporating a special needs trust into your estate plan. Choosing a special needs trust firm is important and, at Ibar, our number one goal is to make sure your loved ones are safe and well taken care of. Contact Ibar, California’s leading special needs trust advisory firm, today.

SNT Advisory Services
A Special Needs Trust (SNT) preserves an individual’s Medicaid (Medi-Cal) and Supplemental Security Income while allowing them to receive various quality-of-life services, items and living accommodations through the allocation of the SNT funds.

Testamentary Trust Planning
Parents and Grandparents who have a child or grandchild with a disability often incorporate a Special Needs Trust as part of their estate plan to better insure that their loved one will receive the protection they need and deserve.

We Are Your Partners
Ibar Special Needs Trust Advisors act as the liaison between the Special Needs Trust Beneficiary, their family, the trustee responsible for investing the trust funds, vendors, care providers and public benefits agencies to coordinate and to insure that the Beneficiary receive the services and items which they require and are entitled to.